Maybe this is a cheeky way to start this post. But yes, Sumo has come to Fujieda. The most famous Sumo Wrestlers in Japan would make a stop in Fujieda for an Exhibition match, before the start of the OBasho.

The real story of the weekend was Saturday night. I managed to get myself invited to Yakko. That night, 2 of the Oseki class Sumo Wrestlers would be at the restaurant for dinner and photo op.

This is Kate, she is English. I invited her out and she would end up having a very good night. I didn't know the names of the Wrestlers attending, but as it turns out, the Sumo Wrestler she is in love with would be one of the 2. A Big Bulgarian fellow by the name of Koto Oshu.

This is Sensei getting his picture taken. Thats Oseki Kayo on the left and Oseki Koto Oshu on the right.

This is a good shot of Taka with Koto Oshu

One of the organizers of this event is Koto Nishiki, a super nice guy and one of the biggest names in Sumo from about 10 years back.

I also have to give credit to Osawa Sensei, seen here trying not to have his picture taken or get credit of any kind. This weekend was one of the best I've had in Japan and would not have happened without Sensei's kind invite.

Now on to the Sumo on Sunday.

The lower ranking wrestlers get in some morning warm up.

Part of the entertainment was watching the Sumo kids go up against some of their heroes.

The guys in white are the Yokozuna's , the top ranking Sumo Wrestlers. There are only 2 and you can tell who they are because of their white wraps.

The next 5 or 6 photos are of Iseki Kayo and Koto Oshu. Koto Oshu would go on to win his match.

And here are the Yokozuna's in their Match.

here for a little video I took from the match. The quality is poor, but you get the idea of what it was like.